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The New Heaven and The New Earth

Copyright © December 1, 2020 by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.
All Rights Reserved.

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Click on The Beginning and The End of the Holy Bible to read Chapter 2 of this book.

Click on There Were Three Crosses at Calvary to read Chapter 24 of this book.

ISBN: 978-0-9850358-7-7
Type of Book: Paperback
Book Size: 6 inches by 9 inches
Number of Pages: 216
Normal Price: $12.95

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Book Description on Amazon.com

One day the current heaven and the current earth will all pass away and God will create a new heaven and a new earth.

The Holy Bible contains a lot of scriptures that reveal what the new heaven and the new earth will be like. However, these scripture do not all appear in one book of the Bible. Instead these scriptures are located in several of the books in the Old Testament and in the New Testament.

In order to gain a better understanding of what the new heaven and the new earth will be like, this book consolidates the holy scriptures about a specific topic into a single chapter about that topic.

The chapters in this book usually begin by quoting scriptures from the Holy Bible. After several scriptures have been presented then a brief summary and consolidation of those scriptures is presented. Finally at the end of each chapter there is a summary of all the scriptures that are quoted in that chapter.

This book quotes scripture verses extensively and therefore approximately 46% of this book contains direct quotes from four different English translations of the Holy Bible. The remaining 54% of this book is a summary and clarification of those scriptures based on the most likely interpretation of those scriptures when they are viewed as a cohesive whole.

It is my prayer that this book will help you to better understand what the Holy Bible says about where Christians will spend eternity.

Chapter One of The New Heaven and The New Earth

A Preview of the Entire Book

The Holy Bible tells us that God will create a new heaven and a new earth sometime in the future. The new heaven and the new earth are mentioned in several of the books in the Holy Bible. Some of these scriptures are in the Old Testament and some of these scriptures are in the New Testament.

In order to better understand all of these different scriptures, the scriptures will be collected together into the various chapters in this book based on the major topic that each of the scripture verses describe. This will allow for all the scriptures about one topic to be examined at one time, and this should help us to see the big picture instead of focusing our attention on one small part of the big picture.

Specific scriptures will be quoted directly from the Holy Bible in each chapter. After several scriptures have been presented then a summary of the combined content of all the scriptures will be provided in order to consolidate and clarify the information in all the scriptures. This should help us avoid a misinterpretation of a specific scripture verse. An interpretation error can happen because it is sometimes possible to interpret a specific scripture in more than one way. However, when several scriptures are compared together then the problems with some of the potential interpretations becomes obvious.

The summary statements provided in this book will attempt to clarify the meaning of several scriptures by giving equal weight to all the scriptures. The summary statements will not ignore or minimize the importance of any scripture in order to support a specific interpretation. Any interpretation that does not agree with the meaning of all the relevant scriptures will not be included in this book. The only exceptions will be when an interpretation has already gained a lot of publicity but that interpretation is not consistent with the entire Holy Bible from cover to cover. This type of interpretation will occasionally be mentioned in a chapter for the purpose of explaining why it is not reasonable and to clearly explain exactly how it disagrees with other scriptures in the Holy Bible.

On rare occasions a chapter may include my personal thoughts at the end of the chapter. When this occurs I try to make it very clear that the information is nothing more than my opinion based on my limited knowledge of the Holy Bible and based on my personal life experiences. My personal opinions are not "inspired" and the only reason I occasionally include them in this book is because I think that they may help to support and further clarify the information that has already been presented in a specific chapter.

In order to better appreciate the new heaven and the new earth that God will create, the first few chapters in this book will provide a brief discussion of eternal life, angels and demons, and heaven and hell. A better understanding of these topics can significantly enhance the concept of eternity as it is explained throughout the Holy Bible.

The chapter on angels and demons will consolidate information that is found throughout the Holy Bible in order to provide a better understanding of the origin and the objectives of angels and demons. Angels frequently appeared to individuals in the Old Testament to tell them what God wanted them to do, or to assist them in their work. Angels announced the birth of Jesus Christ to Mary His mother, to his stepfather Joseph, and to the shepherds in the fields near Bethlehem. Angels also assisted Jesus at different times during His ministry. An angel freed Peter from prison and angles frequently provided guidance to Paul the apostle. Jesus cast demons out of many people during His ministry. The Holy Bible provides some very specific information about the objectives of demons, what demons can do, and what demons cannot do.

The chapter on heaven and hell will more fully explain these heaven and hell based on specific scripture verses. Heaven and hell are extremely important issues but some people only have a very basic understanding of heaven and hell. This book will explain what happens to a person's eternal spirit when a person dies. It will also use scripture verses to clearly explain that a person's eternal spirit does not remain forever at its original destination when it first departs from the body. Instead a person's spirit will one day be reunited with its body at the resurrection and then the person's resurrected body will be sent to a specific location based on whether or not we accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.

The book will also discuss the rebuilt Jewish temple, the Great Tribulation, the rapture of the saints, the battle of Armageddon, the first resurrection, the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ, the final battle between good and evil, and the second resurrection.

Then this book will take a close look at the Great White Throne Judgment of God, the Lamb's Book of Life, and the Judgment Seat of Christ. Specific scriptures will be provided to show that Christians will not be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment of God. Instead Christians whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ for the purpose of receiving eternal rewards for the deeds we did while we were alive here on this earth.

The next few chapters will discuss the new heaven, the new earth, the new Jerusalem, the living water, and the tree of life. These are important topics and information about these topics appears in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. A better understanding of these topics can help us more clearly see their relationship to the salvation offered to us by Jesus Christ.

Near the end of this book there is a chapter that discusses what our resurrected bodies will be like. This chapter will consolidate specific scripture verses that are scattered throughout the entire Bible. By consolidating and reviewing all of the related scriptures into one chapter it will be easier to obtain a more realistic vision of what our resurrected bodies will look like, and what our new bodies will be capable of doing.

There is also a chapter on the origin of Christianity. The purpose of this chapter is to help clarify that Christianity is not a "new" religion. This chapter is not based on opinion or on history books. This chapter is based entirely on what the Holy Bible says.

Because each one of us will spend eternity with God, or separated from God, there is also a chapter that presents God's plan for our eternal salvation. In my opinion this is probably the most important chapter in this book. There is a lot of confusion in the twenty-first century about how a person can be "saved." The problem is that some of the information that is currently available is 100% wrong. And some of the information that is available is only partially correct and it does not include all the information a person needs to know in order to be "saved." The salvation chapter in this book quotes scripture verses from the Holy Bible. All the scriptures are interpreted in a consistent manner so that all the scriptures agree with one another. There are no contradictions or missing details that could lead a person to an incorrect conclusion about salvation.

The last chapter in this book is about what we can take with us into eternity. Some people believe that when we die we are not able to take anything with us into the next life. This is true if we are eternally separated from God. But if our eternal home is in Glory then our spirits can take a variety of very important spiritual things with us into eternity. And if we do good deeds while we are alive here on this earth, then there will be rewards for those good deeds waiting for us when we arrive in heaven. This last chapter may help a person gain a better understanding of what we can do now while we are still alive in order to significantly enhance our eternal life in Glory.

Finally please allow me to very clearly state that this is not an "inspired" book. The scripture verses that are presented throughout this book are the inspired words of God. But everything else is simply the opinion of an old man who has been reading the Holy Bible almost every day since 1976. As I look back on my life I am amazed at how much I have grown spiritually with each passing year simply because of my daily Bible study and my weekly church attendance.

You can grow in the Christian faith if you will begin reading the Holy Bible every day, even if it is only for a few minutes each day, such as one page or half a page per day. And you should make an effort to attend a church service at least once per week. This can be done in person, or you can watch the service of a church that streams its service on the internet, or you can watch a church service on television, or you can listen to a church service on the radio. Therefore each one of us can worship God on the Sabbath day even if we are confined to our homes or to a hospital bed.

My hope and my prayer is that God will eternally bless you and your entire extended family as you continue to read your Bible and as you continue to faithfully worship the Lord your God.

Table of Contents

Chapter Page
1A Preview of the Entire Book 1
2The Beginning and the End of the Holy Bible 5
3Body, Soul, Spirit, Two Births, and Two Deaths 9
4Angels, Devils, and Demons 15
5Heaven, Earth, Paradise, Hell, the Lake of Fire, the Abyss 21
6The Letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation 29
7The Rebuilt Temple of the Great Tribution 35
8The Great Tribulation 45
9The Rapture of the Saints 71
10The Battle of Armageddon 79
11The First Resurrection 85
12The Temple During the 1,000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ 87
13The 1,000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ 89
14The Final Battle Between Good and Evil 99
15The Second Resurrection 101
16The Great White Throne Judgment of God Almighty 103
17The Lamb's Book of Life 113
18The Judgment Seat of Christ and Treasure in Heaven 117
19The New Heaven, the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem 123
20The Living Water 129
21The Tree of Life 133
22Our Resurrected Bodies 137
23How Old is the Christian Religion? 161
24There Were Three Crosses at Calvary 177
25God's Plan of Eternal Salvation 181
26What Will We Take With Us into Eternity? 193
Index 207
About the Author 212

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Grandpappy's e-mail address is: RobertWayneAtkins@hotmail.com