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Does Life Exist Somewhere Else in the Universe?

Copyright © September 18, 2024 by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.
All Rights Reserved.


There are many different types of living things on this earth.

For example, there are people, animals, birds, fish, insects, bacteria, and viruses.

The question that has been debated by people for a very long time is whether or not life also exists in places other than on the earth.


One Bright Star The question of whether or not life exists on other planets is only asked by people. None of the other living things on this earth have the intellectual ability to ask this question or to understand the implications of this question.

In order to answer this question we should probably begin by examining how life began here on the earth. If we can answer this second question then we will have a reasonable basis on which to address the question of life on other planets.

In the twenty-first century one very popular theory of the origin of the universe, and the origin of life, is the "big bang theory." This "theory" states that many, many aeons ago there was a huge explosion somewhere and all the stars and planets and comets and everything else was flung out into space. From all that stuff the earth was somehow formed and water and air was somehow drawn to the earth. And in that water something eventually became alive. And that something gradually evolved into fish, birds, animals, and people. If a person can accept this "hypothetical theory" as being a valid scientific explanation for the origin of life on earth, then that person could not deny that something similar may have happened on many, many other planets in the universe.

In other words, a person who believes in this theory, or who believes in any theory where life just begins on its own, would have to agree that life could begin anywhere in the universe if all the necessary conditions for that form of life were present.

If life could begin on its own anywhere in the universe, then the possible existence of a "Creator God" cannot be denied if a person is intellectually honest with himself or herself.

If a "Creator God" does exist then the explanation of how the earth was formed in "Genesis," which is the first chapter of the first book in the Holy Bible, could also be true.

If the first chapter of Genesis is true, then the rest of the Holy Bible may also be true. This would be extremely important to an intelligent person because the Holy Bible clearly explains how every person on the face of the earth, regardless of what that person may have done in the past, can still receive the gift of "eternal life" and dwell forever in paradise with the "Creator God."

However, a person who is not intellectually honest with himself or herself can still deny the possibility of a "Creator God" in the same way that the person denies that they have told a lie, or stolen something, or done something else that is morally wrong. Once a person begins to intellectually justify anything and everything that they do then it is easy for a person to believe that there is no God because they already believe all the other lies that they tell themselves.


If you are interested in knowing a little more about space travel then please click on the following link:
Star Travel.

If you are interested in a few more questions about the origin of life then please click on the following link:
In the Beginning.

If you are interested in learning how you can live forever in paradise with the "Creator God" then please click on the following link:
How to Become a Christian.

May God Bless,

Grandpappy's e-mail address is: RobertWayneAtkins@hotmail.com

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