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Practical Strategies for Long-Term Survival

Copyright © January 7, 2025 by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.
All Rights Reserved.

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Click on A Practical Discussion about Nuclear Fallout, Radiation, and Geiger Counters if you would like to read part of Chapter Fifty-Nine of this book.

Click on Tents if you would like to read Chapter Sixty-Three of this book.

ISBN: 979-8989914630
Type of Book: Paperback
Book Size: 6 inches by 9 inches
Number of Pages: 700
Number of Black and White Pictures: 242
Number of Sketches and Illustrations: 52
Normal Price: $23.95

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Book Description on Amazon.com

Most people in the USA do not know that it took most of Europe more than ten years to recover after World War II ended in 1945. Even though this was a time of "peace," the extensive damage throughout most of Europe could not be fixed easily or quickly. Therefore most of the people of Europe were forced to survive in serious hardship conditions for a very long time while their bridges, roads, homes, farms, factories, and cities were gradually rebuilt.

If only one or two nuclear bombs are detonated inside the USA, then the USA may be able to recover to about 90% of what it used to be in 1 or 2 years.

However, if three or more nuclear bombs are detonated in the USA, then it will probably take the USA 10 to 20 years or more to recover to about 50% of what the USA was before the attack.

If a nuclear device is detonated at a high altitude above the USA then the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) will destroy the cell phone networks, the utility networks, and the digital financial networks across most of the USA. There will be no "ground zero explosion" and there will be no "mushroom cloud" and there will probably be minimal "nuclear fallout." The problem will be that everything will just stop working and it will not be possible to fix everything in a few weeks or a few months because there are not enough spare parts available to fix everything that will be damaged for a thousand miles in several directions. Society will collapse and chaos will become the new norm.

This book clearly explains almost everything you will need to know in order for you and your family to survive almost any type of long-term survival event and not just a nuclear war.

For example, if a Jewish Temple is built in the city of Jerusalem during your lifetime, then the Holy Bible says that the presence of the Temple (or sanctuary) will initiate the Great Tribulation (or the Apocalypse). If you know when the Rapture will occur in relation to the Great Tribulation, and if you know how to survive the way your ancestors did, then you may be able to survive until the Rapture takes you and your family to Glory.

This book explains all of the following:
  1. Things you should buy right now if you can afford them in order to enhance your chances of long-term survival.
  2. Things you should avoid doing right now in order to avoid attracting unnecessary attention to your family.
  3. Things you should begin doing at the very beginning of a long-term survival event in order to protect your family and to increase their chances of survival.
  4. Things you should not do during a long-term survival event because those things would endanger the future survival of your family.
  5. Things your ancestors did that enabled them to survive without all the conveniences of modern civilization. Unfortunately most of the people in the 21st century do not know the correct way to do any of the very practical things that were done by their ancestors.
This book clearly explains a wide variety of practical strategies that would help a family survive for many, many years. The chapters in this book contain detailed information about what you should do if there is no food available for sale at the local grocery store, and no water is being delivered to the faucets in your home, and the sewer system does not work, and electricity is not being delivered to your home, and there is no heat or air-conditioning, and there are no clothes or shoes available for sale at any type of store, and the cell phone towers are all out-of-service, and there are no policemen to protect your home or your family.

In this type of situation your family would have a very good chance of surviving while experiencing the minimum amount of hardships if you had access to all the information that is in this book.

Preface to
Practical Strategies for Long-Term Survival

My previous books have provided information on how a family could survive normal hard times. Normal hard times occur when a family is experiencing hardships but the banks are still open and the stores still have stuff for sale. On the other hand, a long-term survival event is totally different and a family will need to adopt a variety of unique strategies in order to survive.

This book provides practical strategies for long-term survival. The chapters in this book contain detailed information about how your family can survive when no food is available for sale at the local grocery store, and no water is being delivered to the faucets in your home, and the sewer system does not work, and electricity is not being delivered to your home, and there is no heat or air-conditioning, and there are no clothes or shoes available for sale at any type of store, and the cell phone towers are all out-of-service, and there are no policemen to protect your home or your family.

In other words, you will be responsible for growing your own food, and for hunting, fishing, and harvesting edible wild plants, and preserving your food to extend its shelf life, and preparing and cooking all your meals from scratch, and providing your own water, and disposing of your family's bodily wastes, and making your own clothes and shoes, and providing your own electricity, and providing security for your family and your home.

The information in this book is from three sources:
  1. Some of the information has been copied from one of my other books with only a few minor revisions.
  2. Some of the information has appeared in one of my other books but the information has been significantly expanded and revised so that it would be appropriate for a long-term survival situation.
  3. Some of the information is totally new and it has not been previously published in any of my other books.
Anyone who has access to the information in this book would be able to use their time effectively during a long-term survival event. And that person would not lose time, or waste precious resources, by using a trial-and-error method in an effort to figure out how to do the things that they must do so that their family can survive.

Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.
January 7, 2025

Table of Contents

Chapter Page
Section One: Introduction to Long-Term Survival
1The Unique Challenges of a Long-Term Survival Event1
220 Common Mistakes That Should Be Avoided9
3Sensationalism and Fear13
4Practical Self-Sufficiency17
5A Simple But Practical Survival Plan19
6How to Start Preparing for Your Long-Term Survival25
7Trade and Barter Items35
Section Two: Water Basics
8Introduction to Water37
9Water Storage Containers41
10Where to Find More Water45
12Well Water52
13How to Remove Water from a Well without a Pump55
14Solar Still85
15How to Remove Pathogens from Water87
16Pasteurization of Water91
17Boiled Water93
18Distilled Water95
19Water Filters100
20How to Build a Water Filter System111
21Free Hot Water113
22Washing Your Hands, Body, Dishes, and Laundry115
Section Three: Food Basics
23Basic Nutritional Information117
24Food Safety121
25Food Shelf Life Studies125
26Food Acquisition and Food Storage126
27Several Options for an Emergency Food Supply139
28Introduction to Food Preservation151
29Freeze Dried and Dehydrated Food153
30Beans: An Important Survival Food157
31Wheat Berries, Dry Corn Kernels, and Oats167
32Salt, Black Pepper, Seasonings, and Spices171
33Hand-Operated Grinders for Salt, Pepper, Grains, & Meat175
34Coffee, Coffee Makers, and Coffee Bean Grinders181
35Edible Wild Plants and Nuts, and Wild Plants to Avoid185
Section Four: Domestic Animals
37Farm Animals191
Section Five: Hunting, Trapping, and Fishing
38Hunting Suggestions and Rifle Recommendations197
39Hunting with a Bow and Arrows205
40How to Use Traps and Snares221
41How to Render Animal Fat231
42Fishing Information, Methods, and Gillnets235
Section Six: Clothing and Shoes
44Shoes and Boots265
Section Seven: Emergency First Aid and Home Remedies
45Emergency First Aid269
46Insect Stings, Ticks, Chiggers, and Skunk Deodorizer273
47Head Lice275
48Herbal Remedies283
49Colloidal Silver287
51Shelf Life Studies on Medicine295
Section Eight: Personal Hygiene
52Personal Hygiene Items297
53Normal Bowel Movements and Wiping301
54A One-Year Supply of Toilet Tissue305
55How to Wipe Without Toilet Tissue311
56Portable Temporary Toilets315
57Human Waste Disposal and Latrines327
Section Nine: Shelter
58Air Quality and Air Filters335
59Nuclear Fallout, Radiation, and Geiger Counters339
60Practical Home Security351
61How to Realistically Evaluate Your Current Location357
62How to Realistically Evaluate a Potential Future Location359
65Recreational Vehicles and Campers375
66How to Build a Practical Temporary Shelter381
67Grandpappy's Wilderness Cabin Cave393
Section Ten: Technology
68Rechargeable Batteries and a Solar Battery Charger409
70Vacuum Sealer for Food, Clothing, and Supplies419
71Cell Phones and Satellite Phones421
72Cell Phone Dependency423
73The Four Types of Radios427
74Solar Power433
75Hybrid Energy Systems441
Section Eleven: Basic Skills, Tools, and Equipment
76The Importance of Fire449
77Fire Ignition Methods453
78Dutch Ovens, Camp Ovens, and Reflector Ovens473
79How to Wash Laundry by Hand481
80How to Make a Practical Clothes Washing Agitator497
81Grandpappy's Homemade Soap Recipe503
82Homemade Candles521
83Primitive Clay Pottery525
84Primitive Clay Bricks and Primitive Mortar532
85Basic Hand Tools536
87Bicycles: Foot Pedaled, Gasoline Engine, Electric Motor541
Section Twelve: Self-Defense and Weapons
88Self-Defense and Hand-to-Hand Combat559
89Firearm Safety Rules573
90Firearm Selection Criteria577
91Firearm Cleaning and Maintenance597
92Affordable Gun Cleaning Solvent and Oil601
Section Thirteen: Wilderness Survival
93The Three Most Important Wilderness Survival Items603
94Compass Instructions and Alternatives606
95A Simple Explanation of the GPS Coordinate System613
96How to Follow a Scent Trail617
Section Fourteen: Community and Family Issues
97Giving Charity During a Long-term Survival Event623
98Receiving Charity During a Long-term Survival Event627
99Community Involvement and Long-Term Survival629
100Entertainment Options for Your Family633
Section Fifteen: Spiritual Issues
101Prayer and Long-Term Survival635
102The Way to Heaven637
103The Holy Bible649
104History of the Holy Bible653
105The Seven Year Tribulation and the Rapture663
About the Author694

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Grandpappy's e-mail address is: RobertWayneAtkins@hotmail.com