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Instructor's Manual for
Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering

Copyright © April 11, 2022 by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.
All Rights Reserved.

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ISBN: 978-1737068037
Type of Book: Hardcover
Book Size: 6 inches by 9 inches
Number of Pages: 440
Normal Price: $84.95

Note 1: This Instructor's Manual has a "hardcover" instead of a "paperback cover." Therefore it is more expensive than a paperback book.

Note 2: This Instructor's Manual contains discussion questions and assignment problems for each chapter in the book "Introduction to Industrial and System Engineering."

Note 3: This Instructor's Manual does not repeat the information that appears in each of the chapters in the book "Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering." This Instructor's Manual is a supplement to the original book for academic teaching purposes.

Book Description on Amazon.com

My other book, "Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering," was written to be a concise reference book for engineering professionals, and it does not contain discussion questions and problem assignments at the end of each chapter.

This Instructor's Manual was written to be a companion to the above book. This Instructor's Manual does not repeat the information that appears in the above book. Instead, this Instructor's Manual contains discussion questions and problem assignments for each of the chapters in the above book.

This Instructor's Manual could be used in conjunction with my book "Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering" to teach a course in the fundamentals of Industrial and Systems Engineering in all the following scenarios:
  1. College Course: This Instructor's Manual could be used by a qualified instructor to teach an engineering course for credit towards an engineering degree at a college or university.
  2. Continuing Education Course: This Instructor's Manual could be used to teach a continuing education seminar for engineers, managers, or other individuals who need to be able to correctly apply industrial and systems engineering concepts.
  3. Company Sponsored Seminar: This Instructor's Manual could be used by a company trainer to teach a company sponsored seminar to company employees about how to select and apply the appropriate industrial and systems engineering concepts to a variety of actual company problems.
  4. Home Self-Study Course: This Instructor's Manual could be used by a self-motivated individual who wishes to learn the correct way to apply the principles of industrial and systems engineering.
The following companies and products are used consistently in this Instructor's Manual from Chapter Five through Chapter Twenty-Eight:
  1. Fast Food Restaurant (French Fries).
  2. Leather Belts.
  3. Automobile Tire and Battery Retailer.
  4. Wood Picture Frames.
Two of the above are service organizations (a restaurant and a tire retailer) and two of the above are manufacturing companies (leather belts and wood picture frames). The above options allow an instructor to use a different business or product to teach this course each time the instructor teaches the course.

Each time an instructor teaches this course the instructor should use the same business or product beginning in Chapter Five and continuing all the way through the end of Chapter Twenty-Eight. The reason is because the concepts in each of the chapters have an impact on the concepts in other chapters. By using the same product consistently in all the different chapters in this course the students will be able to better visualize how their decisions on one assignment actually impact their answers on other assignments. This will better prepare students to be more effective engineers for their future employer because the students will more clearly understand the impact that their recommendations can have on a wide variety of the other important functions within their company. This will help them visualize the potential impact that their current recommendation can have on the success of the entire company.

This Instructor's Manual was written so it could be successfully understood by engineers, managers, supervisors, and other individuals who desire to enhance their knowledge on a variety of different ways to improve quality, increase productivity, and reduce total costs.

There are no complimentary free copies of this Instructor's Manual available to any university, organization, or individual. If you suspect that this Instructor's Manual may be of use to you in whatever application that intend to use it, then you will need to purchase a copy from Amazon.

Table of Contents

Discussion Questions and Assignment Problems for the Following Topics:

Chapter Page
1Introduction 1
2History of Industrial Engineering and Systems Engineering 9
3Safety 13
4Probability 15
5Basic Statistics 23
6Linear Regression 35
7Reliability 59
8A Brief History of the Evolution of Quality Theories 71
9Quality Acceptance Sampling Plans 73
10Quality Control Charts 113
11Lean Six Sigma Methodology, SPC, Root Cause Analysis 141
12Flow Charts, LH-RH Charts, Multiple Activity Charts 161
13Human Factors Engineering, Motion Economy Principles 191
14Work Measurement, Time Study 217
15Forecasting Future Sales 239
16Inventory Management 253
17Production Planning and Control 269
18Warehouse Storage Systems, Material Handling Systems 283
19Facilities Design, Plant Layout 295
20Product Costing, Process Costing 313
21Financial Analysis, Return on Investment 337
22Engineering Economic Analysis, Engineering Economy 345
23Organizational Models, Management Styles 355
24Manufacturing Companies and Service Providers 365
25Management Controls 381
26Computer Hardware, Computer Software 397
27How to Implement Changes 405
28Your Professional Image and Appearance 409
Appendix: Reference Tables and Product Information 413
Index 433
About the Author 436

Click here and you will be taken to the Amazon web page that features this book.

Grandpappy's e-mail address is: RobertWayneAtkins@hotmail.com

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