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Introduction to Engineering Management

Copyright © May 20, 2024 by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.
All Rights Reserved.

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ISBN: 979-8989914623
Type of Book: Paperback
Book Size: 6 inches by 9 inches
Number of Pages: 582
Normal Price: $22.95

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Book Description on Amazon.com

This book was written to accomplish three major objectives:
  1. To discuss the major concepts that are crucial to the success of an engineering manager.

  2. To clearly explain each concept in enough detail so that an engineering manager can clearly understand the concept even if the engineering manager did not specialize in that specific area of study.

  3. To clearly explain how all of these concepts are interrelated in the decision making process of an engineering manager so that the manager can have confidence that his or her recommendation did not overlook any critical issue.
In the twenty-first century every manager could increase his or her sphere of influence, and his or her contribution to their organization, by adding the concepts of engineering management to the management skills that he or she already possesses.

In other words, finance managers, marketing managers, business managers, quality managers, factory managers, and every other type of manager could significantly enhance their future careers by learning and applying the information and the knowledge that is contained in this book.

Preface to
Introduction to Engineering Management

My qualifications for writing this book are as follows.

I have a B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. I also have an MBA from Georgia State University.

I worked as an industrial and systems engineer for 9 years in the apparel and textile industries, in the eyeglass, camera, and optic lenses industries, and in the medical equipment and pharmaceutical industries. While working as an engineer for 9 years I observed how the different management styles of several different engineering managers impacted the actual results achieved by the engineers who reported to them.

For 37 years from 1984 to 2021 I taught engineering courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels at Kennesaw State University. I taught courses in work analysis & design, work measurement & ergonomics, production & inventory control, material handling, facilities design, project management, statistics, advanced statistical applications, industrial experimentation, systems reliability, quality management, statistical quality control, lean six-sigma process improvement, inspection system design, supplier evaluation, financial accounting, managerial accounting, economic principles, engineering economy, team dynamics, industrial & consumer marketing, wage & salary administration, and employee recruitment & selection. I own and I have read college textbooks dedicated to each of the preceding topics and I used those textbooks to teach the courses just mentioned. Each of the preceding courses was dedicated exclusively to the topic mentioned and they were not survey courses that included many other topics.

During my life I have had the following management jobs:
  1. In 1967 when I was in senior in high school I was a manager at a fast-food restaurant.
  2. In 1968 I was a supervisor on the nightshift at a sewing factory that made children's clothing.
  3. In 1971 when I was in college I was a supervisor at one of the campus dining halls while I was obtaining an engineering degree at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  4. For three years from 1982 to 1984 I was an engineering manager for a textile company that had four facilities in different cities.
I've had actual engineering experience and management experience in different environments and I intimately understand the differences between engineering management and other types of management.

Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.
May 20, 2024

Table of Contents

Chapter Page
Section One: Introduction
1Introduction 1
2Computer Hardware and Computer Software 3
3 Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Mining 7
Section Two: Management Fundamentals
4 Basic Management Functions 15
5 Organizational Models and Organizational Structures 19
6 Management Styles 21
7 Theories of Motivation 27
8 Engineering Management 31
Section Three: Engineering Disciplines
9 Mechanical Engineering 35
10 Electrical Engineering 37
11 Chemical Engineering 39
12 Quality Engineering 41
13 Industrial Engineering 43
14 Systems Engineering 45
15 Safety Engineering 47
16 Civil, Computer, and Software Engineering 49
Section Four: Analytical Charting Techniques
17 Histograms, Frequency Distributions, Bar Charts 51
18 Scatter Diagrams 55
19Affinity, Structure Tree, Force Field Diagrams 59
20Operation Process Charts, Flow Charts, Flow Diagrams 63
Section Five: Probability and Statistics
21Basic Math, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry 71
22Probability Theory 79
23Basic Statistics: Averages, Variability, Proportions 85
24Discrete Distributions: Hypergeometric, Binomial, Poisson 91
25Continuous Distributions: Normal, Exponential, Weibull 101
26Minimum Sample Size 117
27Simple Linear Regression 121
28Reliability 131
29Queuing Theory 145
Section Six: Quality Theory and Practice
30Supplier Evaluation 153
31Sampling Theory and Practice 163
32Quality Standards and Continuous Improvement 167
33Acceptance Sampling Plans 171
34Control Charts 191
35Lean Six Sigma, 7 QC Tools, SPC, Root Cause Analysis 221
36Metrology: The Science of Measurements 231
37Standards and Procedures 237
Section Seven: Human Factors and Work Measurement
38Human Factors Engineering 247
39Motion Economy Principles 253
40Job Analysis and Data Collection Techniques 263
41Scrap Loss Estimates 271
42Manufacturing Decisions 273
43Workstation Layouts for Manufacturing Operations 285
44Work Measurement and Time Study 289
45Holmes' Predetermined Motion Time System 301
46Engineering Standard Times for New Jobs 321
Section Eight: Project Management
47Introduction to Project Management 329
48Project Control Tools: PERT, CPM, and Gantt Charts 335
49Implementation Timetables 343
Section Nine: Inventory Management
50Forecasting Future Sales 345
51Inventory Management 349
52Production Planning and Control 361
Section Ten: Facilities Design, Plant Layout, Plot Plan
53The Facilities Planning Process 367
54Warehouse Management & Material Handling Systems 375
55Employee Service Areas and Offices 393
56Activity Relationships and Block Diagrams 403
57Plant Layout 409
58Facility Location and Site Selection Criteria 415
58Plot Plan or Site Plan 427
Section Eleven: Financial Analysis
60History of Accounting 435
61Basics of Financial Accounting 439
62Cost Accounting and Managerial Accounting 447
63Product Costing and Process Costing 449
64Cost of Goods Sold and Overhead Allocation Methods 455
65Depreciation Methods 461
66Income Taxes 471
67Balance Sheets 477
68Income Statements 481
69Cash Flow Statements 485
70Engineering Economic Analysis, Engineering Economy 487
71Make or Buy Decisions 497
72Other Accounting Concepts 499
73Stakeholders 503
Section Twelve: Process Improvements
74Team Dynamics 505
75Productivity: How to Measure It and How to Improve It 521
76How to Implement Changes 525
Section Thirteen: Effective Communication Skills
77Formal Reports 527
78Professional Presentations 529
79Your Professional Image and Appearance 537
80Your Management Style 545
Appendix: Reference Tables 551
Index 571
About the Author 576

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Grandpappy's e-mail address is: RobertWayneAtkins@hotmail.com

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