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Grandpappy's Christian Poems

Copyright © July 1, 2011 by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.
All Rights Reserved.

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ISBN: 978-0983793359
Type of Book: Paperback
Book Size: 8.5 inches by 11 inches
Number of Pages: 68
Number of Full Color Pictures: 166
Normal Retail Price: $9.95

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Book Description on Amazon.com

Christian Poetry with Reference Scripture Verses from the Holy Bible.

This book contains poems that will comfort, encourage, and motivate you. A list of reference scripture verses is at the bottom of each poem. Those bible verses were used as the foundation for each poem. Therefore each poem is not based simply on the beliefs of the author. Instead each poem is based on specific verses from the Holy Bible.

This book contains Christian poems about all of the following major subjects:
1. Jesus,
2. God and the Holy Spirit,
3. The Holy Bible,
4. Salvation and Forgiveness,
5. Prayer,
6. Family Values,
7. Moral and Ethical Values,
8. Food and Drink,
9. Giving,
10. Comfort and Encouragement,
11. Death and Eternity,
12. Sin,
13. The Law,
14. Christian Persecution,
15. Christian Perspective, and
16. The End Times.

Preface to
Grandpappy's Christian Poems

In the year 2003 during a very peaceful night of sleep I had a short but very vivid dream about heaven. When I woke up all four verses to an entire Christian poem were inside my head. The short poem was based on my very brief dream. I got out of bed, turned on my portable computer, and typed the short poem into a computer file. Then I went about my normal daily activities. The title to that poem is "A Night Dream" and it appears on page 54 in this book.

About two weeks later I was babysitting my granddaughter Olivia. I was sitting in a comfortable chair and keeping a watchful eye on Olivia as she played with her toys in her playpen. While I was watching her play another Christian poem entered my head. I immediately turned on my portable computer and I positioned it on the kitchen table so I could still see Olivia off to the right side of my computer screen. Then I began typing the poem into my computer. As I was typing I began thinking about my future granddaughter, Trinity, who was due to be born in about two weeks. When I finished typing the poem into my computer another poem immediately entered my head and I typed that poem into my computer also. Then I turned off my computer and I devoted the rest of my afternoon to entertaining my granddaughter Olivia.

Two days later I felt the need to write two more poems. I cannot explain why I felt the need to write those two poems but I sat down and gradually drafted both poems based on the thoughts that were in my head. I consulted my Bible and made sure that the verses I had written were in alignment with the Words of God.

From that time forward whenever I felt the need to write a Christian poem I simply sat down and began to write. Most of my thoughts eventually became one of the poems in this book. Every time I wrote a Christian poem I consulted the Holy Bible and I found the appropriate scripture verses that I had based my poem on. I made a note of those scripture verses at the bottom of each poem for reference purposes.

I am not one of those people who claims to be directly inspired by God or by Jesus or by the Holy Spirit. However, I do believe that we all receive inspiration from God as we need it. But I do not claim that the poems in this book are spiritually inspired. The poems in this book are nothing more than the words of an old man and they should not be interpreted as being anything more than that.

Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E. (Grandpappy)
July 1, 2011

Table of Contents

Most of my Christian Poems can be read for free on my web site by clicking here.

Section One: Poems about Jesus
A Humble Birth 1
His Last Day 1
Barabbas 2
Extraordinary Events 2
Warrior, Prophet, Physician, Priest, and King 3
Super Hero Powers 3
Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ 4
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Section Two: Poems about God and the Holy Spirit
What Does God Look Like? 5
The Trinity 5
Thoughts 6
Sight and Sound 6
Star Travel 7
Power 7
One-Thousand Years 8
Time 8
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Section Three: Poems about the Holy Bible
In the Beginning 9
The Words of God 9
Freedom of Speech 10
Questions? 10
Interpretation of Scripture 10
Can You Read? 11
The Truth 11
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Section Four: Poems about Salvation and Forgiveness
The Book 12
So Many Religions 12
The Blood 13
The Blood of Jesus 14
Knowledge 14
The Parable of the Seed 15
Grace 15
Salvation by Grace 16
The Tree of Life 16
The Bronze Snake 17
The Choice 17
Eternal Life 18
Say You're Sorry Before It's Too Late 19
What Happens Next? 19
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Section Five: Poems about Prayer
How to Pray 20
What Should We Pray For? 20
Two-Way Communication 21
Advice 21
Repetition 21
Negotiations 21
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Section Six: Poems about Family Values
Abstinence or Marriage 22
Customs 22
Creation 23
The First Commandment 23
Love 24
The Three Worst Mistakes 24
Abortion 24
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Section Seven: Poems about Moral and Ethical Values
Beliefs and Values 25
Anger 25
Tattoos 25
Bully 26
Casual Conversation 26
Impulsive Words 27
Lies 27
Fear 28
Frustration 28
Faithful Attendance 29
Say or Do 29
Good Deeds 30
Forgiveness 30
Humility 31
Victory 31
Speaking in Tongues 32
The Supreme Sacrifice 32
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Section Eight: Poems about Food and Drink
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry 33
Water and Wine 33
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Section Nine: Poems about Giving
How Much is Two Mites? 34
Treasure 35
Your Heart 35
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Section Ten: Poems for Comfort and Encouragement
I Need a Hug 36
One Wish and Not Three 36
Are You a Nobody? 37
Ordinary People 37
Hardship and Trials 38
Left Behind 38
Missing Teeth 39
One Precious Life 39
The Good Old Days 40
Do You Understand? 40
Adoption 41
Princes and Princesses 41
Does God Truly Love You? 41
What is Your True Name? 42
What is God's True Name? 42
The Adventure: A True Story 43
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Section Eleven: Poems about Death and Eternity
Ancestors 44
Birth and Not Death 44
The Great Resurrection 45
Fire Without Light 45
James 46
Good News 46
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Section Twelve: Poems about Sin
What is Sin? 47
To Judge or Not to Judge? 47
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Section Thirteen: Poems about the Law
The Ten Commandments 48
There Are Only Two Rules 49
Whose Law? 49
Who Should We Obey? 50
The Year of Jubilee 50
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Section Fourteen: Poems about Persecution
Religious Persecution 51
Self-Defense 51
Prepare or Perish 52
A Traveling Bag 52
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Section Fifteen: Poems about Perspective
Big and Little 53
Big Numbers 53
A Night Dream 54
Teams 54
The Clay Pot 54
Inside the Ark of God 55
Myths 56
Witches, Wizards, Witchcraft, and Sorcery 56
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Section Sixteen: Poems about the End Times
The Rapture 57
The Mark of the Beast 58
The Millennium 58
The Four Eras of Mankind 59
Can You Imagine? 59
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Index 60
About the Author 62

Click here and you will be taken to the Amazon web page that features this book.

Grandpappy's e-mail address is: RobertWayneAtkins@hotmail.com

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